We got an order of many German, Skandinavian and Anglo-Saxon investor groups to prepare commecial properties and residential properties in German big cities in a good way.
office building and administration building, office blocks and commercials, retail objects, shopping centers, retail parks, self-service department stores, logistic centers.
Portfolio properties or construction projects with an at least five year hiring contract period.
Locations: cities starting from 100.000 inhabitants in countries of European communities.
Object capacities: Volumes of single objects from two million euros, maximum buying price per single object is 120 million euros.
Return: Buying price factor until 13,5fold oft the net year basic rent without heating.
Locations: Cities from 100.000 inhabitants in all over Germany.
Object capacities: Capacities of single objects from 1 million euros to 70 million euros.
Structure: public promoted constructions too, no social focuses
Realization: We need following documents for the special buying price offering:
Sofern es sich hier um eine Objektgesellschaft handelt, bitten wir um Bereitstellung entsprechender aktueller Bilanzen und BWA’s.
As long as it is about an object organization, we ask you to prepare these current balances and BWA’s. We decide usually within 10 days, if all materials and documents are available.